“Painting is poetry that is seen rather than felt, and poetry is painting that is felt rather than seen.” Leonardo Da Vinci
Within this site, you will get to know my art and my journey.
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I hope you enjoy my site and take a moment to drop me a line.
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"The Flowers of The Zodiac"
"Gabriella Di XX Miglia signs of the Zodiac belongs to my favorite day- the Day of the Hearts. This new series reveals a prismatic survey of the flowers of the Zodiac, each an intimate portrait of blooms from her garden representing the buds and flowers of each succeeding month of the year in a creative gesture of the cycles of the season.
Gabriella is a many faceted artist with a background of several years of successful exhibitions in Italy in portraits, landscapes and fantasies of surreal lineage. Her multi-disciplined, inward looking approach and perspective ensures that each work of art is a poetic narrative, intimate and transcendental. In her paintings we find a perennial search for balance between all the elements that compose them, form, material, color, lines. There is a special harmonious conjugation between line and color."
Esther Waggoner Robles, ASA Director, Esther Robles Gallery
..."In a series of paintings inspired by the adventure of Christopher Columbus, Di XX Miglia presents the world with a new facet of her abilities. The transatlantic enterprise, the very idea of "discovery" is interpreted by Gabriella as an explosion of happiness. This sort of pictorial excitement has not appeared in contemporary art after the impressionists. There is nothing of these masters in Gabriella, not even of Seurat and his sensitivity to water; but her intuition finds, in the vast theme of exploration and landfall a sense of well-being of the natural man and the experience of victorious encounters that the impressionists were the last to paint. These works open a chapter of emotions, introspection, and dramas. Gabriella knows how to revive her creative spirit and continue on the pictorial odyssey that never ends for a true artist. Artistic expression is a perennial, enchanted journey that always provided a poetic surprise. But her message is clear. She wants to push the people who see her work into an awareness of the introspective process that moved her to create the painting in the first place. This does not involve the simple transfer of an image but rather stimulation, the beginning of an inner journey that brings the observer, through the visual dialogue, to the discovery of himself..."
From an Essay by Marialuisa Marchi, Italian art critic
Gabriella Di XX Miglia's history as a painter begins in Genoa, Italy, where she was first introduced to a box of colors as a child during an extended illness. At that time she had no idea that in 2023 her artwork would be selected for inclusion in the Lunar codex and sent to the moon!
Di XX Miglia studied painting at the Accademia Ligustica di Belle Arti in Genoa, Italy and received her Masters Degree in Restoration and Conservation from the University of Genoa, Italy. For more than a decade she worked in public and private sectors in both Italy and the US as a conservator and restorer.
Di XX Miglia takes pride in being part of a family of artists. This includes her mother, a fine china painter; her grandmother, a violinist and author; her uncle, Alessandro Casagrande, a pianist and composer; and her great uncle Alessandro Lupo, a post impressionist painter and protege’ of Emile Bernard, whose work is part of the Paris Louvre collection.
Gabriella's works have been shown in both national and international exhibits in the US and Italy, including the Wausau Museum of Contemporary Art in Wisconsin, the Palazzo Braschi (National Museum of Rome) and at the Palazzo Bufalini (National Museum of Spoleto) in Italy and has also been featured in a centerfold spread in the Los Angeles Time’s, Sunday Home Magazine.
Di XX Miglia’s paintings can be found in notable private, corporate and public collections including: H.M. Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands, Dr. Frankling Murphy (Leader in art and publishing; chief of Times Mirror Publishing, chairman of The Nat. Gallery of Art, Washington); Richard Colburn (Colburn School of Music); Eric and Leza Lidow (trustee of LACMA); Stephen Garrett ( Director of Getty Museum); Nicholas Boratynski ( Founder of Tetra Tech); Paola Masino (Italian writer); Ambassador Alvise Memmo (Italian Minister of Protocol); Cedar-Sinai Med. Center. Los Angeles; UCLA Med. Plaza, Los Angeles; Palazzo Braschi, Museo di Roma, Rome, Italy; Prefettura di Siena, Italy and Church of San Siro, Nervi, Genova, Italy.
Gabriella is an award winning artist and one of the artists from across the globe whose work was selected for inclusion in the Lunar Codex , a time capsule of digitized works of art and literature being sent to, and permanently placed, on the moon.
Gabriella is a member of The Portrait Society of America, California Art Club and 33PA.. Di XX Miglia was nominated for a Guggenheim Fellowship, New York in 1985. In 2022 she published a book, “La Rose de la Mariée” a memoir to inspire women to surpass difficulties and live life to the fullest.
She currently resides and maintains a studio in Los Angeles.
I do not paint for myself and I do not paint for an audience. I simply paint because I have to.
My paintings begin as personal inspirations and narratives. As the light fades and the shadows deepen, all petty and exacting details vanish, everything trivial disappears, and I see things as they are in great, strong masses.
My work is all about discovering my inner emotions while looking at a face or a subject. I transform my feelings in marks and layers of colors and transparencies. I go beyond realism in my desire to capture resonant moments.
I paint not a person but a time and state of mind.
My painting process starts with a monochromatic underpainting, then I add values and colors in many layers of glazes that need to dry. For this reason I work simultaneously on different projects and also dedicate time for my sketchbook practice in ink, gouache and pastel.
I experiment using different tools and material with the ultimate satisfaction coming from continually inventing, stretching and improving myself.
I paint a variety of subjects including still life, people and landscapes. My biggest interest however is in portraiture.
(pronounce Veynty Mellya)
2025 April 1-30 "Mini me" Artsy online by 33Contemporary Gallery, Chicago/Miami.
2024 Dec.1-31 "Space Cowboys" Artsy online by 33Contemporary Gallery, Chicago/Miami.
2024 July1/31 "Conversation" Artsy online by 33Contemporary Gallery, Chicago/Miami.
2024 April, Artexpo N.Y. Artavita Pavillion, Digital Exhibit
2024 February "My Funny Valentine" 33 Contemporary Gallery, Chicago
2024 February 1/28 "Flesh" Artsy online by 33 Contemporary Gallery, Chicago
2023 Nov 26/March 2/2024 "Artists Painting Artists", Artsy online by 33 Contemporary Gallery, Chicago
2023 Dec./Jan. 24' "33 Annual Holiday Miniature Show" Abend Gallery, Denver, CO
2023 Dec. 6/10 Miami Basel Week, Artavita Pavillion, Digital Exhibit
2023 Nov. "Miniature Nudes" Artsy online by 33 Contemporary Gallery, Chicago
2023 Nov. FIABCN, Digital Exhibit, Barcelona, Spain
2023 September "Art Postcard" 33 Contemporary Gallery, Chicago
2023 May " "Self as Self" Artsy online by 33 Contemporary Gallery, Chicago
2023 April/June " Artist Invitation IV" online Camelback Gallery, Arizona
2023 March, "Mujer" Artsy online by 33 Contemporary Gallery, Chicago
2023 Jan 20 to April 15 , "6th Anje" Wausau Museum, Wisconsin
2022 Dec .7/ 31 "Miniature Show" Abend Gallery, Denver, Co.
2022 Oct. 23 /Dec. 31 "Art in the time of corona, vol.2 " online Dab Art Gallery, Los Angeles, Ca.
2022 June 17/ July 4 "Pandemic" SolArt Galley, Dublin, Ireland
2022 March, Mujer, Artsy online, 33 Contemporary, Chicago
2022 Febr. online Camelback Gallery. Arizona,
2022 Jan/Febr "Emotions" online. Gallerium, Toronto
2021 Dec-2022 Jan. "Heros and Legends" online, Gallerium, Toronto
2021-November,The Brenda Lee Challenge, Artsy online 33 Contemporary, Chicago
2021- November Art In the time of Corona, IVol. Dab Art Los Angeles, Ca
2021-November/Dec. The Portrait, 33 Arsty online, 33Contemporary, Chicago.
2021-September "IMMIX" online Exhibizone. Toronto
2021-September Artistonish. Online
2021-July- Diversia. online Exhibizone,
2017-December-2018 April, Palazzo Bufalini, Spoleto, Italy
2016-December.-2017 April, Palazzo Braschi, Museo di Roma, Rome, Italy
2013-June, July, August. Interni & Dintorni, Genoa, Italy
2011-June solo exhibit, Hangar Gallery, Santa Monica. Ca.
2011-March Riviera Country Club, Pac.Pal. Ca.
2011-February “Our Creative Journeys” Downtown Community Center Gallery, Anaheim, Ca.
2008-January Design Trade Show, Hilton Pasadena, Ca.
2006-December “Journey show” Viva Gallery, Sherman Oaks, Ca.
2006-December Gallery 825, West Hollywood, Ca.
2003-2004- May “50/50 Show” Gallery 825, West Hollywood,Ca.
1990-2003 Group shows, Gallery 825, West Hollywood, California.
2001-December Association for Women in Architecture Foundation. Donation for Live Auction, Pasadena, Ca.
2001-November Fall Art Festival, Long Beach, Ca.
2001-October Solo Open Studio Show for Art Collector Tour of Art consultant Mumsy Nemiroff.
2001-April American Heart Association, “Heart Ball”. Los Angeles, Ca. Donation for Art Auction.
2001-April National Art Association, “April in Paris” gala. Los Angeles, Ca. Donation for Art Auction.
1999-December. “Splendor in Silk”,
Thousand Oak, Ca
1999-October.Lawrence Gallery, Beverly Hills, Ca.
1999-May. “World Contemporary Art”, Celebrity Center International, Hollywood, Ca.
1999-April. “Art Contemporain-International Artists” Galerie Everarts, Paris, France.
1998 “California Salon d’Automne” La Galerie Internationale, Palo Alto, Ca.
1998-June.” World Contemporary Art”, Los Angeles Convention Center, Ca.
1993 “What Women Got To Do With It”, SCLA Los Angeles,Ca.
1986 UCLA the Faculty Center, Ca.
1985 Slide show with commentary, City Art Museum, Pistoia (Florence), Italy
1983 First solo exhibit in U.S.A.: Esther Robles Gallery, Los Angeles, Ca.
1977 Solo exhibit Galleria d’arte “La Contemporanea”, Genova, Italy
1976 Solo exhibit Galleria Treves 2, Spotorno, Italy
1974 Solo exhibit Galleria Treves1, Milano, Italy
1972 First solo exhibit in Europe: La Piccola Gallery, Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy
TV Guest Appearances:
“The Joan Quinn Show” playing "Herself” Beverly Hills, California 17 June 2005
2025 Febr. Circle Foundation Of The Arts Artist of the Year Award. Honorable Mention Award
2024 April Artavita 'Inclusion in World Artist volume 6" Finalist
2023 Febr. Circle Foundation of the Arts " Artist of the Year Award" - Honorable Mention Award
2023 Dec. Luxemburg Art Price, Certificate of artistic achievement
2023 Nov. CFA "Art book Contest" Finalist
2023 Nov. Artavita "Artexpo N.Y. April 4/7 24" Finalist
2023 July CFA "Art in Miami" Finalist
2023 April Camelback Gallery, Arizona.- Gold Award- Painting "Artist Invitational VI"
2023 Febr. CFA "Artistic Excellence Award"
2022 Febr. Camelback Gallery, Arizona. International Achievement Award
2021, 2022 Luxemburg Art Price, Certificate of Merit.
2021-July CFA Excellent award for Spectrum Brookling New York Art Fair
2020- Dec. Camelback Gallery, Arizona Best Holidays contest
2003-July. FIDM, Honor Student Award, 1st Place.
2003-Spring. FIDM (The Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandizing “Creativity of The Fashion Business” Best Dress Group, 1st. Place.
2002 Fellowship from Italian Government with SCI for Master Fashion Course at FIDM, Los Angeles, Ca.
1995 Winner in contest design for SCA, UCLA
Committee for the Arts.
1991 Certificate of Commendation by the County of Los Angeles Board of Supervisors C.C.Q.C.
1991 Selected to judge The Christopher Columbus Quincentenary Poster Contest, County of Los Angeles, Ca.
1985 Nominated for Guggenheim Fellowship, New York.
1972 Gold Medal for Best Drawing, Genoa, City Art Competition, Italy.
Cedar-Sinai Med. Center. Los Angeles, Ca.
UCLA Med. Plaza. Los Angeles, Ca.
Palazzo Braschi, Museo di Roma, Rome, Italy
Prefettura di Siena, Italy
Chiesa di San Siro, Nervi, Genova, Italy
H.M. Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands
Dr. Frankling Murphy (Leader in art and publishing; chief of Times Mirror Publishing, chairman of The Nat. Gallery of Art, Washington)
Richard Colburn ( Colburn School of Music)
Eric and Leza Lidow (trustee of LACMA)
Stephen Garrett ( Director of Getty Museum)
Nicholas Boratynski ( Founder of Tetra Tech)
Paola Masino (Italian writer)
Ambassador Alvise Memmo (Italian Minister of Protocol)
2024 International Artist Magazine
June/July issue "Creative Sparks"
2024-April " Interview" 33PA editorial
2024 International Artist Magazine
Febr/March issue "Creative Sparks"
2024 Novum Artis-The New Artistic, issue 001
2023 International Artist Magazine, Dec/January issue "Creative Sparks"
2023 "Tiny catalogue of miniature nudes" 33PA
2023 International Artists Magazine, Aug/Sept issue "Creative Spark"
2023 Art IDEAL Magazine, 3rd issue. CFA
2023 Leonardo, Guia de arte y artista. Artelibre (ModPortrait) Barcelona, Spain
2023- March "Ten Questions" PoetsArtists editorial
2023 Lunar Codex (art enclosed in time capsule to the Moon)
2023 "Mujer" Exhibition Catalog, PoetsArtists
2023 "Art in the Time of Corona" vol.2
Dabsen Art Inc.
2022 Dec."Year in Review" PoetsArtists
2022 Observica Art Magazine, issue #18
2022 "Human Faces" Exhibition Catalog Laguna Art Gallery, Laguna Beach, Ca.
2022 "Pandemic" Exhibition Catalog. SolArt Gallery, Dublin. Ireland
2022 "La Rose de la Mariee" book by Gabriella
Di XX Miglia. Youcanprint.it Italy
2022 "Mujer" Exhibition Catalog, PoetsArtists
2021 Observica Art Magazine Issue #13 Prime Edition Canada
2021 Oct. Exhibizone IMMIX Exhibition Catalog
2021-Aug.CFA Spotlight Magazine, France
2021-Jul. Artonish, Art Magazine, Canada
2021 CFA, Quarterly Magazine 6th issue, France
2016 Pittori del Novecento e carte da gioco, Palombi Editori Italy
2011 International Artists, Vol.2 ICA Publishing, NY US,
1999-2007 Marquis Who’s Who in the World
2009-2012 NAPW (National Association of Professional Women)
2004 Madison Who’s Who
2001 Outstanding Women of the 20th Century
2001 International Women Artists, volume 2
2000 outstanding Artists and Designers of the 20th century
2000-2014 Marquis Who’s Who in America
1999-2000 Outstanding People of the 20th Century
1999-2007 Marquis Who’s Who in the World
1988-1990 The World Who’s Who of Women
1998-2001 Marquis Who’s Who in the West
1998-2011 Marquis Who’sWho of American Women
1994 Who’s Who in Italy
1993 Il Chi E` dell’Arte Italiana dell’ Ottocento e Novecento
1992 Columbus: Countdown1992 Journal, front and back cover
1988 International Who’ Who of Professional and BusinessWomen
1987 Personalities of the Americas
1986-91 National Catalog of Modern Art, Milan, Italy
1987 "Painter with an anecdote" an Essay by Marialuisa Marchi. Art Critic
1987 Two Thousand Notable Americans
1986 Five Thousand Personalities of the World
1986 The International Directory of Distinguished Leadership
1986 Marquis Who’s Who in California
1986-2000 Dictionary of International Biography
1986 Foremost Women of XX Th. Century
1984- April 22 The Los Angeles Times, Sunday Home Magazine
1983 "The Flowers of The Zodiac" Catalog by Esther Waggoner Robles, ASA Director, Esther Robles Gallery
1978-1979 Annuario Comanducci, Milan, Italy
1975 Pittori e Pittura Contemporanea, Milan, Italy
1974-78 National Catalog of Modern Art, Turin, Italy
1974-July 27 La Nazione, Florence,
1974-Aug 12 Il Corriere del Pomeriggio, Genoa, Italy
1973 -April 27 Il Corriere Mercantile, Genoa, Italy
1973 -April 28 Il Secolo XIX, Genoa, Italy,
2007____President/owner of “TraveLuxSpa Italia” as Gabriella Chiappelli von Zdekauer.
2003-2004 Makeup Artist & F/X for Film and television
2003-2004 Stylist & Visual Consultant
1999-2002 Production of hand painted silk scarves for
Women’s Cycling Catalog.
1996-2003 Textile & Surface Designer (encompasses the coloring,
patterning, and structuring of fabric )
1995____ Jewelry Designer & Manufact.
1980-1990 Consultant in Art Conservation of old masters
1985-1987 and restoration of china and paintings
1976-1984 Conservation and restoration of paintings
2023-2024 California Art Club
2021___33 Contemporary Gallery-Chicago/Miami
2021___ Portrait Society of America
2009-2016 JBR (Jewelry Resource Bureau
2009-2016 WJA (Women Jewelry Ass.)
2009-2016 AGTA (American Gem Trade Ass.)
2007-2011 Accademia Della Cucina Italiana
(Founding member of Los Angeles Chapter, CA)
1999-2000 The Clayhouse, Santa Monica, CA
1999-2012 Surface Art Association, LA. CA
1999-2012 Surface Design Ass. Kansas City, MO
1999-2012 SPIN (Silk Painters International) Riverdale, MD
1998-2001 Alliance of Women Artist, Palo Alto, CA
1997-99 National Art Association. LA, CA
1995-96 Grunwald Center for the Graphic Arts, LA, CA
1995-99 Armand Hammer Museum, LA, CA
1992 Columbus Countdown, New York, N.Y.
1992 Quincent. Program, UCLA, CA
1990-2008 LA Art Assn. Galleries, Gallery 825, (bd. Dirs.) West Hollywood. CA
1993-94 Women Faculty Club, U.C.L.A, CA
1988-2007 LACMA, Costume Council (Fashion Circle) LA, CA
1986-90 America Assn. for the History of Discoveries
1986-87 A.F.E.A. (bd.dirs.) LA, CA
1983-86 Westwood Art Assn. (bd. dirs.) LA, CA
1980___UCLA: Medieval. and Renaiss. Center (Hon.) CA
2024 Creative Visionary Program workshop with Nicholas Wilton, California
2023-2024 Professional Artist Institute, Ireland
2020-2021 Z Art Academy Los Angeles, Ca
2004 California“Professional Makeup Artistry & Special Makeup Effects Joe Blasco Training Center”, Hollywood, California. Specialization in Beauty Makeup and F/X for Print, Film, Television and Theatre.
2002-2003 Fellowship from the Italian Goverment for a Master Course in Fashion. The Fashion Institute of Fashion & Merchandising (FIDEM) Los Angeles, California.
Specialization in Fashion (Consultant, Styling, Designing) FIDM, Los Angeles,
2000-2005 Jewelry design & manufacturing workshops. Los Angeles, California
1999-2000 Workshops on PhotoManipulation,
Silk Painting and Fiberart at “Wildfiber “
Santa Monica, California.
1995-1998 Workshops on Clay & Porcelain at
“The Clay House”, Santa Monica, California.
1977 Master Degree in Painting Conservation. UniGe, Italy.
1974-1977 ALBA, Laboratorio
di Restauro, Genoa, Italy.
1972-1973 Art Mentorship with Chiti Viardo, Genoa, Italy.
1971 Art Mentorship with Mimmo Rotella, Genoa, Italy
1967-1970 Accademia Ligustica di Belle Arti, Genoa, Italy.
I have works in several exhibitions and publications included in the lunar-codex because of my involvement with 33PA and 33Contemporary Gallery.
2023 New York Times
A time capsule of human creativity, stored in the sky, the lunar codex, an archive of contemporary art, poetry and other cultural artifacts of life.
2023 Smithsonian Magazine
2023 The Guardian,
December 2016/ April 2017
Palazzo Braschi, Museo di Roma, Italy.
"Pittori del '900 e Carte da Gioco"
December 2017/ April 2018
Palazzo Bufalini, Spoleto, Italy
."Il Gioco della Pittura" .
La Collezione di carte dipinte.